Tag Archives: Tasmania

Mill Creek Campsite – Cape Hauy Track – Candlestick – Totem Pole – Cape Hauy

Sunday 18/02/2024   Mill Creek Campsite – Cape Hauy Track – Candlestick – Totem Pole – Cape Hauy

                                        Tasman National Park, lutruwita / TASMANIA 

                                        Pydairerme clan, Oyster Bay Nation                            

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies 

It was yet another gorgeous morning and we attempted to make an early start to walk to Cape Hauy and Mount Fortescue as the walk was recommended in our guidebook (about 18km). Doubts started to set in when we arrived at the trailhead with a sign saying “No access to Mount Fortescue and Mount Pillar”.

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Maria Island Ferry Terminal – Frenchs Farm Coastal Route – Rutherford Beach – Painted Cliffs – Hopground Beach – Darlington – Reservoir Circuit – Fossil Cliffs Circuit – Fossil Cliffs – Maria Island Cemetery – Darlington

Friday 16/02/2024   Maria Island Ferry Terminal – Frenchs Farm Coastal Route – Rutherford Beach – Painted Cliffs – Hopground Beach –  Darlington – Reservoir Circuit – Fossil Cliffs Circuit – Fossil Cliffs – Maria Island Cemetery – Darlington

                                     Maria Island, lutruwita / TASMANIA 

                                     Puthikwilayti Country                                  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report)

We enjoyed a day trip to Maria Island, leaving on the first boat in the morning (8:30am) and returning on the last ferry of the day (4:15pm). We had stayed here six years ago for a few days but we were keen to see the island and its wildlife again.

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Mount Amos Summit Carpark – Mount Amos Track – Mount Amos

Tuesday 13/02/2024   Mount Amos Summit Carpark – Mount Amos Track – Mount Amos

                                        Freycinet National Park, lutruwita / TASMANIA 

                                        Paredarerme country                                    

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report)

We decided to try to get an early start with the predicted maximum being 33 degrees by the afternoon. We arrived at the track head around 7:30am with plenty of parking available. Other groups were arriving but it seemed that they were mainly heading to Wineglass Bay.

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Apsley Gorge Trail Carpark – Apsley Waterhole Track – Apsley Waterhole – Apsley Gorge Track – Apsley River – Apsley Gorge

Saturday 10/02/2024   Apsley Gorge Trail Carpark – Apsley Waterhole Track – Apsley Waterhole – Apsley Gorge Track – Apsley River – Apsley Gorge

                                           Douglas-Apsley National Park, lutruwita / TASMANIA

                                           Palawa Country                                  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report)

This walk is in the Douglas-Aspley National Park, named after the two rivers, the Douglas and the Aspley, that flow through it. The walk is in the most easily accessible, southern section. The last 6km of road from the highway is on a reasonable quality dirt road but quite narrow in places.

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Cosy Corner North – Taylors Beach – Suicide Beach – Seaton Cove – Orange Rock – Sloop Rock Lookout – Cosy Corner North – Old Man Rocks – Round Hill Point – Swimcart Beach – Jeanneret Beach – Cosy Corner – Binalong Bay – Grants Lagoon

Tuesday 7/02/2024   Cosy Corner North – Taylors Beach – Suicide Beach – Seaton Cove – Orange Rock – Sloop Rock Lookout

                                       Bay of Fires, lutruwita / TASMANIA

                                        Larapuna Country                                  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies, Geri Louis, John Louis

Despite a midafternoon arrival, we were keen for a quick exploration around our new base at Cosy Corner North. Heading north from our campsite just after low tide we were immediately onto the beautiful white, very fined grained, sandy beach. At the northern and southern ends are granite headlands well worth wandering around as there, in places, very aesthetically arranged sculptured lichen-encrusted boulders formed compelled compositions for photographs.

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Carr Villa Hut – Big Opening – Ben Lomond – Legges Tor

Tuesday 6/02/2024   Carr Villa Hut – Big Opening – Ben Lomond – Legges Tor (1572m)

                                       Ben Lomond National Park, lutruwita / TASMANIA

                                       Ben Lomond Country                                  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report), Geri Louis, John Louis

We had intended to leave for the Bay of Fires today but Steve came up with a last minute suggestion to go to Ben Lomond. It was about a 50 minute drive from our camp at Myrtle Reserve, along mainly reasonable dirt road to the start of the walk at Carr Villa. The view from the car park was already impressive, with cliffs of basalt columns surrounding us. Legges Tor was once thought to be the highest peak in Tasmania but is readily accessed via this easy grade walk. 

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Trevallyn Track – Reedy Gully Fire Trail – Cataract Gorge – Duck Reach Power Station – South Esk River

Monday 5/02/2024   Trevallyn Track – Reedy Gully Fire Trail – Cataract Gorge – Duck Reach Power Station – South Esk River

                                       Launceston, lutruwita / TASMANIA

                                       Parrawa Country                                  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report), Geri Louis, John Louis

We had a spare day as we were camped for two nights at the scenic Myrtle Park Reserve outside of Launceston. We decided to return to Cataract Gorge which we had bypassed yesterday.

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Andersons Creek – Holwell Gorge – Holwell Falls – Holwell Gorge Falls

Sunday 4/02/2024   Andersons Creek – Holwell Gorge – Holwell Falls – Holwell Gorge Falls

                                     Holwell Gorge State Reserve, lutruwita / TASMANIA

                                     Tyerrernotepanner Country                                  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report)

We decided to opt for Holwell Gorge walk after leaving Port Sorell on our way to Myrtle Park east of Launceston. It seemed the likely to be the least touristy of our options which it certainly proved to be. The gorge can be accessed from either end. We parked on the northern side and walked south.

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Bakers Beach – Archers Knob – Springlawn Lagoon – Springlawn Bird Hide Lookout

Saturday 3/02/2024   Bakers Beach – Archers Knob – Springlawn Lagoon – Springlawn Bird Hide Lookout

                                        Narawntapu National Park, lutruwita / TASMANIA

                                         Larapuna Country                                  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies, Geri Louis, John Louis

Departing from Narawntapu National Park Visitor Centre Parking at 1:10pm we first headed along the road towards Bakers Beach. Being just past low tide on a clear, calm day we had very easy walking on firm sand. Here, there were lots of seashells along the high water mark, interspersed with cuttlefish remains and fragments of seaweed. There were also interesting wind ripples in the dry sand creating artistic patterns where the highest wave of the morning tide had partially wet the sand. John and Sue powered ahead as Geri and I lingered, looking for the most interesting, intricate ephemeral details.

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Tasmanian Arboretum – Eugenana State Reserve

Friday 2/02/2024   Tasmanian Arboretum

                                   Eugenana State Reserve, lutruwita / TASMANIA

                                   Palawa Country                                  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies, Geri Louis, John Louis 

We had headed here largely based on reports it was an excellent place to see a platypus or two. The grounds are well maintained with a lot of open, mown lawn separating treed areas. Numerous tracks lead you through areas themed by continent, based on the species planted there. 

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Mersey Bluff – Back Beach – Devonport Cycle and Walking Track – Don Reserve – Don River Loop Track – Coastal Pathway – Coles Beach

Thursday 1/2/2024   Mersey Bluff – Back Beach – Devonport Cycle and Walking Track – Don Reserve – Don River Loop Track – Coastal Pathway – Coles Beach

                                        Mersey Bluff State Reserve, lutruwita / TASMANIA

                                        Punnilerpanner Country                                  

Participants:  Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report), Geri Louis, John Louis 

We initially headed off for what I thought was a walk around Mersey Bluff but it soon turned into something longer. The walk around the Bluff was pleasant with some great views. The lighthouse was quite picturesque against the blue skies so we decided to venture further.

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Summit of Bishop and Clerk

Darlington – Bishop and Clerk

Tuesday 13/2/2018  Darlington – Bishop and Clerk

                                      Maria Island National Park, TASMANIA

                                      Paredarerme country

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report)

This scenic day walk to the rugged rocky outcrops known as Bishop and Clerk provides panoramic views over Fossil Bay to the west on Maria Island and across the Tasman Sea to Freycinet Peninsula.  Continue reading
