Category Archives: Skiing

Charlotte Pass – Twin Valleys

Monday 17/09/2018   Charlotte Pass – Twin Valleys

                                         Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                          Ngarigo country

Participants: Margaret Baz, Helen Cromb, Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies, John Fuller, Kathy Husselbee, Jacque Paynter, Stephen Poole, Colin Ridley, Jean, Kevin, Rod, Wayne

A lack of recent significant snowfalls, warmer temperatures early last week and recent overnight minimums of about -10degrees have the cover set hard. With the days forecast of cold winds to 50km/h our options were limited. Hoping that the recent light snowfalls may have accumulated on the lee side of Rams Head Range our party of thirteen led by Colin had decided to head over to Twin Valleys hopeful of some shelter that it may provide and to ski the pockets of snow we envisaged would be found there. Continue reading


Charlotte Pass – Trapyard Creek – Wrights Creek

Sunday 16/09/2018   Charlotte Pass – Trapyard Creek – Wrights Creek

                                       Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                      Ngarigo country

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies

We arrived at Southern Alps Ski Lodge by oversnow transport from Perisher Valley in the afternoon of the previous day after a polar system had injected a mass of cold air and strong winds across the area earlier in the day. We were disappointed that at most a centimetre of snow came with it. So, after some warm weather earlier in the week we were left with a hard, frozen base with patches of fresh windswept snow. Continue reading


Brindle Bull Hill – Paddy Rushs Bogong – Teddys Hut – Jerusalem Hill

22/08/2018 – 27/08/2018   Brindle Bull Hill – Paddy Rushs Bogong – Teddys Hut – Jerusalem Hill

                                                Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                                Ngarigo country

Distance: 80km   Total Ascent: 3150m   Total Descent: 3150m   

Time: 35 hours

Participant: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report)

A six day solo snowcamping ski tour exploring the area around Brindle Bull Hill, Paddy Rushs Bogong, Bullock Yard Creek, Teddys Hut and Jerusalum Hill.

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Dead Horse Gap – Rams Head Range

20/07/2018 – 24/07/2018    Dead Horse Gap – Rams Head Range

                                                 Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

Distance: 41km   Total Ascent: 2900m   Total Descent: 2900m   

Time: 19 hours                                               Track Info

Participant: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report)

This solo skiing trip was my first snow camping adventure for 2018. It provided some great skiing to tune the legs for the season to come and the usual early winter variability in weather along with a couple of amazing sunsets. The greatest challenge though proved to be getting mobile phone reception to confirm my safety and report progress.

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View down into Little Austria

Thredbo – Mount Kosciuszko – Mount Townsend – Mount Alice Rawson – Wilkinsons Creek – Abbott Ridge – Northcote Creek – Lake Albina – Little Austria

12/10/2017 – 18/10/2017     Thredbo – Mount Kosciuszko – Mount Townsend – Mount Alice Rawson – Wilkinsons Creek – Abbott Ridge – Northcote Creek – Lake Albina – Little Austria

                                                  Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                                  Ngarigo country

Distance: 92km   Total Ascent: 4,630m   Total Descent: 4,630m   Time: 40 hours

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report)

My previous week had been spent waiting patiently for a multi-day window of descent weather, so with the next six days after Thursday forecast to be cool, dry and very calm it was now time to act. The trip objective being to camp high on Abbott Range or Mount Townsend or thereabouts and make good use of the two heavy DSLR cameras, two lenses, tripod and multitude of other camera gear I had decided to take. There was also a brand new GoPro to christian and learn how to use. Hopefully some epic day to night time lapses, telemark runs and worthwhile photos will be recorded.   Continue reading


High camp on saddle between Mount Anton and Mount Anderson

Guthega – Pounds Creek – Twynam Creek – Mount Anton – Mount Twynam – Watsons Crags – Mount Anderson

29/09/2017 – 4/10/2017     Guthega – Pounds Creek – Twynam Creek – Mount Anton – Mount Twynam – Watsons Crags – Mount Anderson

                                                Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                                Ngarigo country

Distance: 86km   Total Ascent: 4640m   Total Descent: 4640m   

Time:  39 hours                                               Track Info

Participants: Damien Aggio, Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Murray Gibbs

Despite a forecast for wind and clouds on Saturday early next week looks calm. My objective for this trip was to wait for the calm weather then move camp to the top of a high point with great views that would work well for star trails and time lapses. Several similar trips over the last few years have yielded some good results. Continue reading


Threatening clouds

Guthega – Mt Twynam – Pounds Creek – Snowy River

20/09/2017 – 23/09/2017   Guthega – Mt Twynam – Pounds Creek – Snowy River

                                                Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                                Ngarigo country

Distance: 56 km   Total Ascent: 3,980 m   Total Descent: 3,980 m   

Time: 21 hours

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report)

Guthega provides relatively easy access to a lot a great skiing locations. Cars can be left in the overnight carpark about 1km from the resort. This trip follows the road through the village and before crossing the foot bridge across Blue Cow Creek and continuing south west a couple of hundred metres above The Snowy River until reaching Illawong Hut. Below the hut is a swing bridge with provides easy access to The Great Dividing Range and all it has to offer.

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Damien climbing back to the saddle above Trapyard Creek in the neighbouring unnamed south flowing creek

Trapyard Creek

Friday 15/09/2017     Charlotte Pass – Trapyard Creek

                                       Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                        Ngarigo country

Participants: Damien Aggio, Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies, Kathy Husselbee

Another exploratory day trip skiing, in low visibility, windy conditions, looking for sheltered slopes to leave some turns on. A short return trip from Charlotte Pass.

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Sue telemarking in Wrights Creek at 1860m

Charlotte Pass – Wrights Creek

Thursday 14/09/2017     Charlotte Pass – Wrights Creek

                                             Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                              Ngarigo country

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies

Another exploratory day trip skiing, in low visibility, windy conditions, looking for sheltered slopes to leave some turns on. A short return trip from Charlotte Pass.

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Following the snow pole line at 1900m between Wrights Creek & Trapyard Creek

Charlotte Pass – Wrights Creek – Mt Stilwell

13/09/2017     Charlotte Pass – Wrights Creek – Mt Stilwell

                          Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                          Ngarigo country

Participants: Damien Aggio, Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies, Anthony Powell

An exploratory day trip skiing in low visibility, windy conditions. This forms a good, short circuit from Charlotte Pass.

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Club Lake Creek

Monday 11/9/2017     Charlotte Pass – Club Lake Creek

                                        Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                        Ngarigo country

Participants: Damien Aggio, Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report), Stephen Poole

An frequently undertaken day ski trip from Charlotte Pass. It requires crossing the Snowy River and Club Lake Creek in both directions. Mid-winter this can often be done on snow bridges but otherwise requires getting wet feet or attempting to rock hop. In good cover Club Lake Creek provides an easy and direct route to Club Lake.

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Sue on Kangaroo Ridge

Charlotte Pass – Kangaroo Ridge

Sunday 10/09/2017     Charlotte Pass – Kangaroo Ridge

                                         Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                        Ngarigo country

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report)

An exploratory day trip skiing along and across Kangaroo Ridge, located just to the south of Charlotte Pass. It is only recommended on days of good visibility and at most light winds.

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