Tag Archives: Jaadwa Country

Horseshoe Bend Campground – Horseshoe Bend Road – Pomponderoo Hill Road – Pomponderoo Hill  

Thursday 26/10/2023   Horseshoe Bend Campground – Horseshoe Bend Road – Pomponderoo Hill Road – Pomponderoo Hill    

                                           Little Desert National Park, VICTORIA

                                           Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk Country                                  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies 

Having kept relatively close to the Wimmera River during our morning walk we headed away from it in the afternoon. Although you can drive to the start of the Pomponderoo Hill walk along Pomponderoo Hill Road, we chose to walk from the Horse Shoe Bend Campsite. As we were walking along Pomponderoo Hill Road a fox made a quick crossing not far in front of us. We arrived at the Pomponderoo Hill Carpark, just as another couple were preparing to start.

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Horseshoe Bend Campground – Wimmera River – Desert Discovery Walk

Thursday 26/10/2023   Horseshoe Bend Campground – Wimmera River – Desert Discovery Walk

                                           Little Desert National Park, VICTORIA

                                           Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk Country                                  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies 

Nestled amongst the River Red Gums at Horseshoe Bend Campground we had been joined last night and this morning by masses of bird life. A pair of Kookaburras called in for a visit many times, along with sightings of black cockatoos, mallards, parrots, blue wrens and numerous species of other small, heath-loving birds.

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Kiata Campground – Campground Track – Salt Lake Track – Desert Discovery Track – Albrechts’ Mill & Water Bore

Friday 27/10/2023   Kiata Campground – Campground Track – Salt Lake Track – Desert Discovery Track – Albrechts’ Mill & Water Bore

                                     Little Desert National Park, VICTORIA

                                     Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk Country                                 

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies 

Keen to walk in a different section of Little Desert National Park we drove further west to Kiata Campground, having spent the early hours of the day looking for wildlife around Horse Shoe Bend Campground. Yesterday’s cold change and 1C overnight minimum temperature were replaced by calm, blue sky conditions with the temperature already reaching the mid-twenties by our 11:00am start.

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Pink Lake

Wednesday 25/10/2023   Pink Lake

                                               Dimboola Area, VICTORIA

                                               Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk Country                                  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies 

A short drive west of Dimboola you can find Pink Lake. Although not a walk it proved to be a remarkably interesting stop. Today it was cold and very windy. There were plenty of small waves that had formed on the lake as a result, all heading straight towards us. With a crusty white shoreline of crystalline salt, rows of waves almost parallel to the horizon and clouds with lots of character against a deep blue sky with dramatic clouds, this was a very special treat.

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