4/9/2016 – 7/9/2016 Dead Horse Gap – Mount Townsend – Rams Head
Kosciuszko National Park, NSW
Ngarigo country
Distance: 41km Total Ascent: 2470m Total Descent: 2470m
Time: 20 hours Track Info
Participant: Stephen Davies (Report, Photos)
After watching the weather for a few days, a good part of this week appeared promising. So Sunday afternoon saw me departing Dead Horse Gap just after 2:00pm with the aim of camping at the top of the ridge just north of South Rams Head. Maybe I could get really lucky and catch some Aurora Australis as last night had produced a good display in the Northern Hemisphere and it was expected to linger.
Day 1: Sunday 4/9/2016 Dead Horse Gap – South Rams Head

Max elevation: 1898 m
Total climbing: 557 m
Total descent: -173 m
Average speed: 1.73 km/h
Total time: 02:42:17
This was the first time in about three years I was carrying a full winter snow camping load in my backpack, so I took the climb very slowly.
With cloud still lingering about the tops I wasn’t surprised to find myself enveloped by it about half way up. Visibility dropped down to 10m at times and didn’t better 100m throughout the entire climb. This combined with 99% relative humidity and wind that that hadn’t died off as quickly as forecast made the climb much more “interesting” than expected.
As some familiar looking rock formations appeared through the cloud I realised I was on top. Tent pitching took way longer than normal as the wind seemed to max out right then so it took some hanging on to. After a good time wrestling with tent, poles and the wind I was able to call it a day. The first job now being to melt some snow as I’d decided not to carry the extra weight of water. The wind died right off soon after sunset and the stars were out by 8:30pm.
Shortly after I was out setting up for a star trail time-lapse on a nearby flat rock. The camera was retrieved at 1:00am.
Timelapse looking west from near South Ramshead just after sunset
Day 2: Monday 5/9/2016 South Rams Head area

Max elevation: 2068 m
Total climbing: 586 m
Total descent: -579 m
Average speed: 4.30 km/h
Total time: 07:16:45
I was up at 6:00am catching the sunrise on a calm, cloud free morning.
I departed camp about 9:00am on a picture taking expedition along the Rams Head Range. My earlier plans and preparations for a day trip to Mount Townsend were hampered by an unwilling body.
Around 11:00am the snow had softened nicely and I was finally ready for some action, so half a dozen telemark runs were had before collecting some water from a nearby source and returning to camp for lunch.
After a long break I headed down the valley looking for the closest running water, I only needed to go about 200m below camp to find an open stream. As the snow had become heavy and slow I didn’t even get to the tree-line before losing interest and again returning to camp. From here a combined ski and walk saw me summit South Rams Head before calling it a day. Apart from a few short puffs of breeze the day had remained calm, relatively warm and clear.
The highlight of the evening was seeing a small fireball fall in the southern sky, slower than a shooting star and clearly breaking up into two pieces as it descended. Typically, my camera was busy pointing west at the time capturing another time-lapse.
Timelapse looking west from near South Ramshead just after sunset on 5th September 2016
Day 3: Tuesday 6/9/2016 South Rams Head – Mount Townsend

Max elevation: 2217 m
Total climbing: 1249 m
Total descent: -1252 m
Average speed: 7.13 km/h
Total time: 08:08:40
Departed camp again with the intention of doing a Mount Townsend tour. It was firm and icy under the skis initially until further down the descent to Cootapatamba Hut. The higher sections required a lot of sidling to avoid areas exposed rock and grassy patches.. Lower down there had been sufficient softening to get some turns in.
A snow bridge near the hut had me across the upper Snowy River before climbing the lower flanks of Mount Kosciuszko across to its southern side and following the long valley over to Townsend. My body was not that willing today so I needed to take it very slowly, especially on the final ascent to the summit.
Brilliant views can be had from the Mount Townsend summit but I had no desire to linger as the wind was very chilling. The best snow of the day was had on the initial decent of Townsend, where I managed one fantastic run before crashing out upon hitting a very gluggy section which appeared no different to the better stuff.
The return journey was very slow as my heart rate was continuing to be too high for comfort so by the time I’d climbed back to the top of the Rams Head Range (including many recovery stops) the sun was low in the sky and a crust was forming. These difficult conditions led me to ski very conservatively and not get back to the tent until right on sunset.
A great trip but unduly influenced by my medical limitations.
Another great, star filled evening had me set up my tripod for a third straight night of time-lapse photography.
Timelapse looking south from near South Ramshead just after sunset on 6th September 2016
Day 4: Wednesday 7/9/2016 South Rams Head – Dead Horse Gap

Max elevation: 1993 m
Total climbing: 104 m
Total descent: -489 m
Average speed: 6.24 km/h
Total time: 02:07:42
The forecast of strong winds for tomorrow and a full day yesterday had me decide to depart today. The initial plan to get a few turns in before lunchtime changed after the first run revealed the snow to be very soft and heavy.
A early exit resulted. Under the load of a heavy pack the 400m descent was turned out better than expected, however, not wanting to fall with such a heavy load it was survival skiing only all the way down.
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