Monday 7/03/2022 Childowla Trail – Barrenjack Trail – Barrenjack Walk – Barren Jack Geodetic Station
Burrinjuck Nature Reserve, NSW
Ngunawal Country
Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies, Geri Louis, Dave Whitelaw
Amongst road cycles, running, tennis games, frisbee golf, bird spotting and kayaking activities four of our mid-week party staying at Burrinjuck managed a walk up to Barrenjack Mountain. We drove up to and parked before the locked gate at the end of Childowla Trail, with the Link Trail (Hume and Hovell track) starting on the other side of the road.
On Childowla Trail we were surprised to encounter a National Parks vehicle heading out to do some work. For a good length of this section we disturbed a multitude of butterflies, often dozens at a time, that fluttered around as they were disturbed. It was a pity that they were too small to adequately capture a picture to do the scene justice. We also noted several different bird species, mostly from their song.
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