Charlotte Pass – Wrights Creek – Trapyard Creek – Johnnies Plain

Thursday 22/09/2022   Charlotte Pass – Wrights Creek – Trapyard Creek – Johnnies Plain

                                           Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                           Ngarigo Country

Participants: Jean Cane, Stephen Davies (Leader, Report, Photos), Sue Davies, Bob Shaw

With some light showers and clouds in the day’s forecast, I offered a trip to Porcupine Rocks near Perisher Valley with the aim of looking for the nicest snow gums along the way, as wet snow gums have their colours beautifully accentuated. The number of New South Wales Nordic Ski Club participants on this short trip was to quickly change.

Leaflet | Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, Maps © Thunderforest contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox
Total distance: 8.85 km
Max elevation: 1803 m
Total climbing: 341 m
Total descent: -324 m
Average speed: 4.67 km/h
Total time: 02:21:28
Download file: 20220922.gpx                         Track Info


At breakfast time we had five starters and by the end of breakfast, we were down to four. After waiting 15 minutes past our departure time we left as a group of three, Bob, Sue and myself.

The overcast skies were again making it difficult for all of us to gain clear sight of the ground in front of us, making the skiing a little tentative. As we approached Trapyard Creek, Bob, who had been having great difficulty with the flat light, decided to turn back. Sue and I continued on alone, gathering pace as we went as we had sighted Jean’s distinctive peachy red colour on a person ahead. Perhaps she had gotten off to an early start?

Beyond Trapyard Creek were becoming increasingly disappointed with the snow cover. There were many bare patches requiring us to weave our way around and a number of times when the snow collapsed beneath our skis to the grass below. There was a vast difference between the snow depth here and that on the western peaks. I was also a little disappointed as it hadn’t started to rain, so the snow gum colours were not standing out, and the flat light also not helping.

We caught up with the couple in front, it turns out Terry was wearing a very similar colour to Jean. We had a quick chat with Terry and Susan, whom we had skied with on yesterday’s trip before continuing on towards Porcupine Rocks. 

Once on the saddle along Rams Head Range we noted a wall of dark clouds hanging over the ridge to Porcupine Rocks, leaving only the bottom third or so currently visible. The ridge also had many snow-free patches. It didn’t take very long for us to mutually decide we didn’t want to ski amongst a random patchwork of grass, snow and trees in heavy fog or white-out-type conditions.

We turned around and started to make our way back to the lodge for an early lunch in comfort. We were about 1km along our return when we saw Jean just above and behind us also heading back towards the lodge. She was sure I had said we had a 9:30am start and was enjoying a coffee and chat inside as we left with her. Being a great sport, we all had a great chuckle about how we were both very quick to change or modify plans on the run. The three of us skied back to the lodge together and literally met Bob just inside the front door. 


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