Rainbow Lake Walking Track – Rainbow Lake

Thursday 10/12/2020   Rainbow Lake Walking Track – Rainbow Lake                                     

                                           Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                           Ngarigo country

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies

To fill out our day after completing the Rennix Walk we moved on to the nearby, short Rainbow Lake Walking Track. We were a little curious as to what we might find having previously driven straight past so often on the way to Charlotte Pass or Perisher Valley.

Leaflet | Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, Maps © Thunderforest contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox
Total distance: 2.83 km
Max elevation: 1660 m
Total climbing: 105 m
Total descent: -105 m
Average speed: 3.99 km/h
Total time: 00:46:46
Download file: 20201210p.gpx                         Track Info


Rainbow Lake Walking Track sidles around some small hills which lead into Diggers Creek valley and Rainbow Lake. The dam across Diggers Creek which created Rainbow Lake was built to supply water for the Kosciuszko Hotel. Kosciuszko Hotel was completed in 1909 and burnt down in 1951, as it was not rebuilt now we have a quite alpine walk to enjoy.

Sue approaching Rainbow Lake

There were plentiful wildflowers in bloom along the track which passed through a variety of old snow gums. These have managed to escape being burnt during past bushfires. We also observed a number of thicker stands of young snow gums. A pleasant short amble to complete the day.


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NSW National Parks signage in the carpark for this track states

2km return

This gentle walk meanders through sub-alpine snowgrass and snowgum woodland to Rainbow Lake.

The age and size of the snowgums along the track vary considerably, mainly due to the effect of fire and grazing. Cattle were fenced out of the area around the lake, allowing gums to mature.

In sheltered areas some of the trees are very old, having survived major fires such as those in 1939 and 2003. In regrowth areas, the trees grow in denser stands and are of a similar size.

Rainbow Lake was built to supply water to Hotel Kosciusko. The hotel was completed in 1909 and burnt down in 1951. The remaining building, Sponar’s Chalet, was the original staff quarters.

The Hotel Kosciusko was a popular destination in summer and winter. Visitors played golf in summer and skated In winter.

In the subalpine area, many small mammals are adapted to life in and under the snow. Above the snow you of alpine ash forests may see lizards, insects and birds such as little ravens.


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