Tuesday 18/09/2018 Charlotte Pass – The Foxhole – Wrights Creek
Kosciuszko National Park, NSW
Ngarigo country
Participants: Helen Cromb, Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies
Tuesday’s forecast temperature was 8C with winds to 70km/h after an overnight low of -4C. Finding somewhere out of the wind seemed the best idea. After waiting a while for the snow to soften after it’s overnight freeze we headed straight up the hill behind the lodge hoping the trees would provide a little shelter. We were still too early for our planned return descent, as there were still plenty of frozen sections in the shade around the trees, so after ascending most of the hill we headed further around towards Wrights Creek in order to find a slope that had seen more morning sun.

Max elevation: 1996 m
Total climbing: 1092 m
Total descent: -1073 m
Average speed: 5.48 km/h
Total time: 05:59:38
To our delight we quickly found a wide 150m vertical, open descent towards Wrights Creek which proved to be a fantastic run. All three of us had four great runs before heading back to the lodge for a late lunch out of the wind. Our run had been very interesting as the the mid half provided more shelter than either the bottom or top.
After lunch Sue and I headed back out. This time we re-climbed The Foxhole behind the lodge all the way to its summit. From here there are outstanding views, especially towards Mount Townsend and Alice Rawson Peak over and beyond Mount Clarke and Mount Lee with Charlotte Pass resort in the foreground.
After taking in the view we returned to our skis and the snow from the bare summit area before completing a fantastic tree run back to the lodge in the softest, cruisiest snow of the day.
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