Thursday 24/02/2022 Ngarigo Campground – Thredbo Valley Track – Thredbo River – Thredbo
Kosciuszko National Park, NSW
Ngarigo Country
Participant: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report)
A wet night at Ngarigo campground didn’t deter us from our morning activities. As Sue was training for the upcoming Mount Stromlo Trail Running event she headed off on a 10km run towards Thredbo Diggings Campground whilst I walked towards Thredbo along the Thredbo Valley Track.

Max elevation: 1392 m
Total climbing: 801 m
Total descent: -801 m
Average speed: 4.49 km/h
Total time: 05:13:15
This walk, at least today, was a lot more popular for most people as a mountain bike ride than a walk. Sue observed that most people seemed to be on hired bikes and appeared to have minimal mountain biking skills. I observed around twenty bikers to just four walkers, both couples doing short return hikes from Thredbo.
As the Cascade to Thredbo section of the Thredbo Valley Track is currently closed, I was curious to see what flood damage I would find along this section. There was none. The huge, oversized footbridges crisscrossing the Thredbo River appear to be built for some humungous river flows!
Although this walk is well-graded and very well suited to mountain biking, I found it a little disappointing as the only close contacts you get to the Thredbo River are from the bridges. Despite this, it is a nicely treelined walk with views of the forest on nearby hills from numerous points and lots of wildflowers. However, I will need to work on my observing skills, as I only noticed two different bird species on the way up, whereas one of the couples I encountered had observed twelve, in my defence, they both did have binoculars and were using them.
Arriving a Thredbo I encountered my first snake for the day, sunning itself in the grass right next to the track. I would meet a second one when nearly back to Ngarigo. Overall, this is a great stretch of the legs but you need to watch out for the bikes!
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