Jewell Cave

Contos Beach – Jewel Cave

Friday 10/11/2017   Contos Beach

                                     Margaret River, WESTERN AUSTRALIA  

Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies

Today saw us walking our last small “sampler” section of the Cape to Cape Track – a circuit through the colourful coastal heath above Contos Beach and return along its pristine fine sand. In the afternoon had us visiting Jewel Cave.

Leaflet | Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, Maps © Thunderforest contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox
Total distance: 5.65 km
Max elevation: 88 m
Total climbing: 282 m
Total descent: -270 m
Average speed: 3.66 km/h
Total time: 01:48:11
Download file: 20171110.gpx                         Track Info


Starting near Contos Campground the trail followed the cliff north some a few hundred metres inland of the beach. With the clear skies and elevation we had excellent views of the white sand and green waters of Contos Beach. Along the track there were many pink flowering shrubs which contrasted nicely with the big blue sky.

Contos Beach – Western Australia


A great panoramic view along the beach was had from above the cliffs on the northern end of the beach over Bobs  Hollow Grotto.

Contos Beach from Cape to Cape track

Contos Beach from Cape to Cape track

Opposite the end of the beach a track headed down to the beach passed along the base of a higher section of cliff. Here we met a climbing group who were enjoying the challenges of some limestone routes. Once onto the beach we headed back south along the sand. At the southern end we had a short climb back to our starting point, disturbing a large group of black cockatoos just as we entered the vegetated dunes behind the beach.



Saturday 10/11/2017   Jewel Cave

                                          Margaret River, WESTERN AUSTRALIA

Jewel Cave are considerably larger than Lake Cave with three large chambers open to the public. Of special note amongst many interesting formations was a 2m long straw seemingly defying gravity and all the visitors who pass through the cave.



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