Tag Archives: Boggy Plain

Cascade Trail Car Park – Cascade Trail – Thredbo River – Boggy Plain – Teddys Hut – Wombat Gully

Sunday 24/07/2022   Cascade Trail Car Park – Cascade Trail – Thredbo River – Boggy Plain – Teddys Hut – Wombat Gully

                                        Kosciuszko National Park, NSW

                                        Ngarigo Country

Participants: Beth Davies, Stephen Davies (Photos, Report), Sue Davies, Andy Treasure, Emily Treasure, Pablo Ureña Vega

We were looking for a day trip to do with Beth and Pablo on for their day off work. Once we decided to try to get out to Teddys Hut, Pablo extended the invitation. Emily and Andy decided to join us as they happened to have Emily’s parents visiting who were able to babysit for them. Being a weekend we left early in an attempt to avoid the worst of the ski traffic and get spots to park our cars at Cascade Trail Car Park. The early start worked a treat as there was only one car in the car park when we arrived.

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