Saturday 13/03/2019 Johnston Canyon
Alberta, CANADA
Participants: Dale Andrew, Beth Davies, Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report)
I have visited Johnston Canyon in summer and the raging stream and canyon was very impressive. I was keen to see it at a different time of year, early spring.

Max elevation: 1592 m
Total climbing: 905 m
Total descent: -907 m
Average speed: 6.67 km/h
Total time: 02:41:21
The trail was completely snow covered and we soon put on our hiking crampons which were of great assistance, especially on steep sections. Frozen icicles abounded and semi melted pools showing crystal clear water greeted us at nearly every turn.
We stopped to watch the brave ice climbers at the upper falls, braver than us anyway! The ice formations were truely stunning. I feel Johnston Canyon is even more beautiful at this time of year. On our return we took a diversion to a secret spot on Johnston Creek to admire a huge rock formation.
This is an excellent half day walk.
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