Wednesday 8/11/2017 Boranup Karri Forest – Redgate Beach – Lake Cave
Participants: Stephen Davies (Photos), Sue Davies (Report)
Today saw us driving through a Karri forest, walking another small section of the Cape to Cape Track at Redgate Beach and taking a guided tour through Lake Cave.

Max elevation: 34 m
Total climbing: 155 m
Total descent: -167 m
Average speed: 4.39 km/h
Total time: 01:38:20
We drove through the Boranup Karri forest with trees over 100 years old, the third tallest species in the world. We headed to Redgate Beach to explore another section of the Cape to Cape track. We remained wary, however, as there was a thunderstorm warning.
It was an overcast day and there was a sense of foreboding. At a forest camp was saw a monitor hiding in the undergrowth. Another walker had told us how her hair stood up on end as she was facing the beach and we knew we had to retreat! Others were less worried but you won’t win against a lightening strike.
In the afternoon we visited Lake Cave. This small limestone cave includes a very an impressive “suspended table” feature.
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