Star Time-lapse



To find more star trail videos search for “star” on the Contents page.

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5 thoughts on “Star Time-lapse

  1. Michelle

    Hi Sue and Steve,
    Just stumbled on your site and I’m speechless! These are amazing trips and those Star trails are absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing with everyone and reminding us how lucky we are to live in this amazing country ?

    1. Stephen Davies Post author

      Thanks for the kind words Michelle, I have a lot more content to add but much of it is very time consuming to produce so might take some time. I have another 60 or so star trails to compile. In the meantime check out some of my self scrolling, zoomable panoramas (see Contents Page) on the largest screen you can find (new HD TV sets are awesome!)

  2. Sala

    I just found your site and my goodness! What awesome adventures you guys have! Thanks for sharing your photographs and stories; there is so much out there that I wish to see. I’m 18 and I have only recently gotten into trekking and bushwalking – last December I did the Overland Track in Tassie, and now your site has inspired me to go out and experience more.
    Best wishes,

    1. Stephen Davies Post author

      I’m inspired to do more every time I get out and do a trip. Your off to a great start with the Overland Track. Be safe, don’t skimp on essential and safety gear and look into joining a bushwalking club where there will be a wealth of experience and wisdom to learn from.

  3. Gerry Moffatt

    Hi Stephen,

    Gerry Moffatt here, Caroline’s brother. Long time no see. Looks like you have been on some epic adventures.
    First off, beautiful work! I’m reaching out hoping we can use one or two of your star-trails in our latest movie the 11th step? We would of course include you in credits, etc.
    Can we jump to email?


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